Chemical Finishes

    Chemical Finishes consist of relatively uniform toning of metal by applying a combination of abrasive finishing and chemicals that react with the abraded metal surface to form a specific color. Sometimes referred to as "blackening" "browning" or "blueing", we differentiate this from patina, which is a much more artistic interpretation and presentation of the effect of chemicals on metal.

Below are some images of Chemical Finishing on work that we've built.
   This is the corner of a bronze frame that has been "antiqued" with a browning solution, then lightly abraded with abrasive pads and waxed with hot-wax. It will slowly age to a very fine antique finish.
   This is a fireplace screen made from stainless steel, then chemically darkened with a somewhat "organic" look to the blackening. Stainless steel is a good candidate for this process because it will not age in appearance.
This blackened bronze shelf is a part of a much larger unit comprised of many of these shelves. The bronze is satin finished first, then blackened, then hot-waxed and buffed to a sheen.